Our skills for the job market


The Innovation business area is dedicated to the (further) development of social policy measures: through exploratory studies and research to develop new measures and formative (accompanying) evaluation of ongoing measures for the rolling further development of the offers.

Dr. Rudolf Götz
Head of Innovation Business Unit
E: rudolf.goetz@oesb-socialinnovation.at


Impulsberatung für Betriebe

2024 – 2026 Feet

  • Monitoring of the Austria-wide AMS advisory program Impulse consulting for companies (IBB) (2024-2026, optionally until 2028)
  • Development and implementation of monitoring with the five building blocks:
    • Characterization of IBB operations
    • Survey of AMS offers for IBB companies
    • Reflection by the IBB consultants
    • Survey of company representatives, works councils, SFU advisors from the AMS on the achievement of the goals of the advice, effectiveness of the tools used, interfaces and cooperation between the actors
    • Feedback from IBB customer events
  • Preparation of semi-annual monitoring reports
  • Monitoring exchange with synthesis research (impact monitoring)
  • Studies, research and further development of the advisory services within the scope of service item 7 “Innovation”


KompRecruit: Competency orientation in personnel recruitment


The Project CompRecruit examines the operational perspective of competency-based recruiting, which, in contrast to the classic approach that focuses on training and professional experience, puts the actual skills and competencies of the applicants in the foreground. This is done in cooperation with the Jobservice advice and support facility, which supports long-term unemployed people and unemployed young people in (re-)gaining a job through motivation, binding planning and advice.

Based on a standardized online survey, we analyze the extent to which companies are already pursuing the approach of competency-based recruiting and what impact this has on job advertisements, interviews and the design of probationary periods, taking into account differences according to industry and company structure. The goal is to find out how strongly competency orientation is already anchored in the recruiting process and which criteria are ultimately decisive for companies.


Pegasos Consulting – Job & Care: A successful model for caring relatives in Lower Austria


Caring relatives play a key role in the Austrian care system. Often in secret, they are responsible for looking after and caring for people who are dependent on care due to age, illness or disability. Since 2010, the advice and care facility has been offering Pegasos Job & Care needs-based and person-oriented support for unemployed caregivers on behalf of the employment service throughout Lower Austria. The aim of the measure, which has been implemented by itworks Personalservice of the ÖSB Group since 2022, is to prepare for a return to working life. Pegasos is thus making an important contribution to creating perspectives and reconciling care requirements and work, which can also be made in the future thanks to the individual and flexible consulting concept and the close cooperation with the employment service.

As part of the 15th anniversary of the measure, ÖSB Social Innovation is writing a report on the offer. In addition to impact figures, it shows how Pegasos has developed from innovative target group work to a proven consulting and support concept. Expert interviews with AMS consultants, consultants and participants of Pegasos offer an insight into the challenges and successes in everyday project implementation in the interaction of all those involved.




  • Case monitoring of the AMS advisory program Impuls-Qualifizierungsverbünde in the federal states of Carinthia and Upper Austria
  • Conception and evaluation of surveys of company representatives, SFU consultants or other responsible persons at the AMS as well as reflections by the IQV consultants after the consultation has been completed on the achievement of the objectives of the consultation, the effectiveness of the tools used, interfaces and cooperation between the actors
  • Evaluation and further development of personnel development tools – e.g. B. Employer Competence Indicator (AKI)


Project partner



Impulsberatung für Betriebe

2020 – 2023 Feet

  • Monitoring of the Austria-wide AMS advisory program Impulse consulting for companies (IBB) (2020-2023, optionally until 2025)
  • Development and implementation of monitoring with the five building blocks:
    • Characterization of IBB operations
    • Survey of AMS offers for IBB companies
    • Reflection by the IBB consultants
    • Survey of company representatives, works councils, SFU advisors from the AMS on the achievement of the goals of the advice, effectiveness of the tools used, interfaces and cooperation between the actors
    • Feedback from IBB customer events
  • Preparation of semi-annual monitoring reports
  • Monitoring exchange with synthesis research (impact monitoring)


Youth at risk – focus on young people in precarious life situations

2022 - 2023

As part of this project, the first step is to develop a client typology of young people who take part in the counseling programs implemented in the ÖSB Group. It is currently apparent that many young people in precarious life situations are confronted with very specific difficulties, which is why they are not (yet) considered fit for the job market and/or suitable for training. The aim is to further develop existing support offers and explore the innovation potential. On the one hand, the offers for young people should be more individualized in order to be able to better address the young people's skills and (personal) resources. On the other hand, training companies should be advised and supported through accompanying offers so that the sustainable integration of young people in precarious life situations into company apprenticeships is increased.


Funding provider


Needs assessment and further development of the UGP program


The Business Start-up Programme (UGP) is getting on in years. Since the program was established more than 25 years ago, a lot has changed - on the labor market as well as among AMS customers with startup ambitions. The Austrian labor market has become more dynamic. The proportion of self-employed people has increased; within the group of self-employed people, solo self-employed people (self-employed people without employees) are in the majority. The strong increase in self-employed women in particular has fueled this development. In addition, the digitization of the world of work has brought with it numerous new opportunities and forms of self-employment as well as new challenges for founders in the area of ​​e-governance (FinanzOnline etc.).

Against this background, the UGP needs to be subjected to a critical analysis in order to identify the need to adapt the advisory services to current developments and explore potential for further development.


Funding provider


BIB Impulses

2019 - 2021

Implementation of services within the framework of the framework agreement: Austria-wide coordination and further development of educational advice for adults within the framework of the European Social Fund

As part of this project, ÖSB Social Innovation (formerly ÖSB Studies & Consulting) supports the further development of educational consulting on three levels:

  • Support and promotion of a community of practice: including conception and organization of the traditional ones National networking meetings the educational advice Austria; Co-publishing and editing of the specialist medium: Focus on educational advice
  • Promoting the Opening up educationally disadvantaged groups about the development of innovative strategies and approaches with and for educational consultants
  • promoting the Know-how transfers from Europe to Austria

Related projects:

  • Innovation development: educational, vocational and career advice
  • Study: Social media in educational, vocational and career advice
  • Strategy development: educational, vocational and career advice in the late employment phase
  • Dossier: Lifelong Guidance in Austria

24 hour networking. Supraregional networking meeting of the Austrian educational consultancy

19th networking conference on October 21st and 22.10.2021nd, XNUMX in Salzburg.
Subject: Poverty despite work – the working poor in focus. Tasks and approaches for educational consulting

    Funded by the European Social Fund and by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.


      GIVE – Guidance for Individual Vocations in Europe

      2019 – 2021 Feet

      The challenge

      New forms of work such as solo self-employment, portfolio work or the platform economy are increasingly shaping our working world. With the rapid spread of new forms of work, the trend towards the subjectivization of work that has been noticed since the 1990s is further strengthened through the integration of management tasks into the work of employees. Today, workers are required to largely organize their work themselves and to market themselves as individuals with their individual skills and life contexts on the labor market.

      The subjectification of work is also accompanied by the subjectification of the profession. Traditional professions with their clearly defined “professional competencies” and values ​​are becoming “individual professions” – an individual combination of person-centered competencies, experiences and life contexts.

      This “liquification” of work and career not only poses major challenges for the individuals affected, but also for the systems and offers that are intended to support individuals in overcoming these challenges. A centrally affected field here is educational and career counseling with its task of providing orientation on questions of education and careers.

      The Project

      The project aims to support educational and career counselors and relevant decision-makers in addressing these challenges by:

      • the current trends in the area of ​​work and career are conveyed with all their implications for the balance of power between actors in the labor market, for new forms of precarization and for new “drivers” of careers and demand for qualifications,
      • Newly emerging target groups for educational and career advice with their specific support needs are identified (typology),
      • Access and adequate consulting approaches for these new target groups are collected/developed and
      • Recommendations are made to address the challenge at a structural and strategic level.

      This support offer is organized as part of the following project products:

      • A self-study manual as well
      • an interactive e-learning offer for educational and career advisors and a 
      • a policy paper for decision-makers.

      The products will be available for download here as the project progresses.

      The project is being implemented by a European consortium consisting of: ÖSB Social Innovation (formerly ÖSB Studies & Consulting, AT) as coordinator, bbb Office for Vocational Training Planning (OF), i-smARt Trust reg. (LIE), Vyzkumny ustav prace a socialnich veci (CZ).



      2016 - 2021

      • Case monitoring of the AMS advisory program Impuls-Qualifizierungsverbünde in the federal states of Carinthia, Upper Austria and Vienna
      • Conception and evaluation of surveys of company representatives, SFU consultants or other responsible persons at the AMS as well as reflections by the IQV consultants after the consultation has been completed on the achievement of the objectives of the consultation, the effectiveness of the tools used, interfaces and cooperation between the actors


      Project partner



      European Globalization Fund: Advice and support

      2015 - 2020

      • Supporting the BMASK, involved companies, AMS and foundation sponsors in setting up possible EGF-financed work foundations and in submitting applications 
      • EGF system structure, examination of the requirements for an EGF application, development of an implementation concept, creation of a draft application and support with the application



      Project partner

      PPSG (Lead and responsible for First Level Control)


      Lifeworld.Career counseling program

      2018 - 2019

      • Monitoring of the “ESF-IP Equality” pilot Lifeworld.Career
      • Conception and evaluation of surveys of company representatives and works councils to complete the consultation.
      • The aim is to provide information for ongoing adjustment of offers according to the needs of companies.


      Equal Pay Advisory Program

      2017 - 2019

      • Monitoring of the “ESF-IP Equality” pilot Equal Pay
      • Conception and evaluation of surveys of company representatives at selected points in the consulting process as well as reflection on the surveys with the equal pay consultants. The aim is a rolling adaptation of the consulting process.
      • Organization and moderation of the Equal Pay Advisory Board


      Impulsberatung für Betriebe

      2015 - 2019

      • Case monitoring of the Austria-wide AMS advisory program Impulsberatung für Betriebe
      • Conception and evaluation of surveys of company representatives, works councils, SFU consultants from the AMS as well as reflections from the IBB consultants after the consultation has been completed on the achievement of the objectives of the consultation, effectiveness of the tools used, interfaces and cooperation between the actors as well as involvement of works councils
      • Monitoring exchange with synthesis research (impact monitoring)


      Project partner



      BIB Impulses

      2015 - 2019

      • Supporting and promoting a community of practice for Austrian educational advice and promoting the inclusion of educationally disadvantaged groups through the development of innovative strategies and approaches with and for educational consultants
      • (Strategy) development work (expert working groups), workshops, seminars, event organization, co-publishing and editing of a specialist publication, public relations work for the “Initiative Educational Advice Austria”


      Value control in companies


      • Study on value management in large organizations: “How can a defined culture of values ​​be established and maintained in the organization through the use of value management approaches and instruments?”
      • International literature analysis and two case studies with large companies


      FairPlusCleaning – further training and higher qualifications for employees in the cleaning industry

      2017 – 2018 Feet

      • Participation in the creation of the concept
      • Research and analysis of existing further training and higher qualification offers, presentation of the results of the survey on the situation of female employees in the cleaning industry and their qualification needs
      • Comparative analysis of offers and qualification needs to uncover gaps in offers
      • Development of modules for further training and higher qualification of employees




      Strategy support

      2015 - 2017

      • Support in the strategic realignment and development of labor market policy services and funding from the AMS - especially on the topics of "proactive company support, new qualification and induction programs according to company needs" and "support format for people with poor integration prospects"
      • Support with concept work, carrying out short research, drafting working group designs, creating text modules




      Mobility in the EU/EFTA


      • Position paper for the AMS Austria as part of the EU network of “Public Employment Services”
      • Preparation of the draft, implementation of the Europe-wide comment process, finalization of the position paper




      Age-specific personnel policy


      • Study to determine the motives and framework conditions of companies for accepting and employing people in the late employment phase as well as the anchoring of the concept of active aging in companies that have made use of the AMS's flexibility advice
      • Literature analysis, representative, Austria-wide telephone company survey, implementation of company case studies, recommendations for the AMS Austria




      Skills for Future

      2013 - 2014

      • Exchange of expertise within the European project Skills for Future – towards better skills at the labor market through better guidance and education 
      • Analysis of actor structures and cooperation modes in the fields of education, labor market, interest representation in AT; Presentation of selected good practice examples as part of mutual learning seminars; Development and publication of recommendations


      Funding provider

      EU Progress Program

      Project partners



      ESF – implementation and development

      1995 - 2014

      • Support of the AMS in the programming, implementation and realization of the European Social Fund (ESF)
      • Systematic screening of European and ESF-relevant regulations, strategy papers and processes, advice on the development of ESF-cofinanced labor market policy instruments as well as on the implementation of cross-sectional topics, carrying out international research (e.g. on productive aging, gender mainstreaming), moderation of AMS-internal ESF -Conferences, preparation of ESF technical contributions, short study “ESF 1995-2014. Implementation by the AMS – an initial assessment”


      European Social Fund (ESF)

      1995 - 2014

      • Analysis: 20 years of ESF implementation by the AMS Austria 
      • Evaluation of reports, public contributions and statistics, reflection on our own accompanying consulting work, preparation and editing of the short study “ESF 1995-2014. Implementation by the AMS – an initial assessment”


      International personnel search

      2012 – 2013 Feet

      • Research study and advice to support the AMS in reorienting EURES activities
      • Survey of the nine AMS national offices regarding their experiences with international personnel search, identification of success factors and challenges, research of three international good practice transfer examples (Spain, Germany and Ireland), results workshop with AMS representatives , formulation of recommendations for the AMS


      Project partner




      Qualification Network Romania

      2012 – 2013 Feet

      • Feasibility study to clarify the requirements for the implementation of a qualification network of Austrian companies in Romania - based on the model of the Austrian qualification associations
      • Survey:
        • Overview of Austrian companies in Romania, Romanian training providers and funding for in-company further training
        • Estimation of company needs




      Educational, vocational and career advice in the late employment phase

      2012 - 2013

      • Development of strategies to promote the accessibility of older people to educational and career advice 
      • Secondary literature analyses, focus group, expert working group with four one-day meetings, analyzes and recommendations for the “Bildungsberatung Österreich” initiative and the BMB




      Social media in educational, vocational and career advice

      2012 – 2013 Feet

      • Research study on expanding the use of social media in educational, vocational and career advice for adults
      • Expert interviews, study visit to Denmark, analyzes and recommendations for action for the “Initiative Educational Advice Austria” and the Federal Ministry of Education





      Lifelong guidance in Europe


      • Forecast project: Foresight workshops to identify possible social and economic developments in Europe that are relevant for life-long guidance
      • Forecasting work, development of future scenarios, mix of methods in the consultation process